Zelda (The Sisters)

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Zelda was one of ten clones of Wolverine created by Alchemax Genetics, a division of Alchemax. The project was overseen by Robert Chandler, with security provided by Captain Mooney. The girls were created and trained to serve as bodyguards for humanitarian missions and other personnel.[2] Much like Laura before them, they were often abused by their handlers, particularly Mooney, though Zelda took special care to protect her youngest sister, Gabby, from the worst of the abuse. As the eldest, Zelda was the de facto leader of the group, though her control over Bellona could at times be nominal. She was incapable of feeling pain, the result of nanites implanted in her body that were slowly killing her. With six of her sisters dead due to fatalities on missions, or as a result of the nanites, she escaped along with Bellona, X23_3PAR, and Gabby. They were assisted in their escape by Kimura, who armed and equipped them before sending them after Alchemax for revenge for stealing property from The Facility.

Comics[edit | edit source]

All-New Wolverine (Volume 1)[edit | edit source]

Issue 5[edit | edit source]

X-23 (Volume 4)[edit | edit source]

Issue 3[edit | edit source]