Masane Amaha

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Masane Amaha is the bearer of the Witchblade. She became the Witchblade's bearer six years before the beginning of the series during an event that destroyed most of Tokyo, leaving her with amnesia and holding a baby girl. Masane is also an unemployed single mother, and is at odds with the NSWF's Child Welfare Division over issues concerning the custody of her adoptive daughter, Rihoko. When the Witchblade activates, her eyes turn demonically black and she dons a skimpy black armor with katana blades and claws extending from her arms and her hair, which was normally brown, but crimson upon transformation, can extend to tendrils that can lash or pierce her enemies. She also gains enhanced strength, speed, and endurance. She also gains a type of telepathic link to Rihoko, being able to sense when she is in danger. After unlocking new power in the Witchblade, her armor becomes red and she has a blade on both arms. When fighting, she is possessed by an almost uncontrollable desire for destruction, deriving an erotic like pleasure from battle. Prior to the Great Quake, her real name was Yasuka Ohara (大原 寧夏, Ōhara Yasuka), the name, Masane Amaha, given to her as part of a new I.D. created by the government due to her amnesia following the Great Quake.

Anime[edit | edit source]

Witchblade[edit | edit source]

Episode 5[edit | edit source]


Episode 8[edit | edit source]


Episode 10[edit | edit source]


Episode 11[edit | edit source]


Episode 12[edit | edit source]


Episode 17[edit | edit source]


Merchandise[edit | edit source]