Littlest Pet Shop

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Littlest Pet Shop is a toy franchise from Hasbro that later adapted into three cartoon series from 1995, 2012 and finally 2018.

Premise[edit | edit source]

1995[edit | edit source]

The 1995 series centered around the lives of five miniature animals who live in a pet shop, such as a dog, a cat, a horse, a monkey and a rabbit.

2012[edit | edit source]

In the 2012 series, it tells the story of a girl named Blythe Baxter, whose father, Roger, got promoted and moved to Big City, where after an accident involving an old dumbwaiter gave Blythe the ability to talk and understand animals. While the series also focus on the animals in their own plots.

A World of Our Own (2018)[edit | edit source]

The series focuses on a group of six pets (Roxie McTerrier (voiced by Canadian actress Diana Kaarina) the Boston Terrier (Canis lupus familiaris), Jade Catkin (voiced by Canadian actress Ingrid Nilson) (Felis catus), Trip Hamston (voiced by Canadian actor and rapper Travis Turner) the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) who is a rapper like his aforementioned voice actor, Quincy Goatee (voiced by Canadian actor, writer and director Kyle Rideout) the Tennessee fainting goat (Capra aegagrus hircus), Edie Von Keet (speaking voice by Canadian actress Lili Beaudoin and singing voice provided by Canadian actress Diana Kaarina) the parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus) and Bev Gilturtle (voiced by Australian-Canadian actress Rhona Rees) the common box turtle (Terrapene carolina)) who exit the human world they live in often to go through a magical portal only used by them, which sends them to the world of Paw-Tucket, a community made for and by pets. In this world, they are able to have adventures, throw parties, make new friendships and be themselves.

Characters[edit | edit source]