Lila Test

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Lila Test (née Little) The mother of Johnny, Susan and Mary and wife of Hugh. She has brownish-reddish hair, green eyes (later cyan blue), and wears a typical women's work suit, pearl necklace, and heels. She is a businesswoman (though her profession has yet to be specified, she works in telemarketing). Due to the demands of her job and the fact she's a workaholic, Lila isn't seen at home as often as the rest of the family, but her family always comes first, and she never misses out on vacations and family events. Lila also possesses martial arts skills and is shown to be less strict than her husband, but sometimes forced against her will to take a break from work to relax. Lila has a scary/crazy side that even Hugh has shown fear when he makes mistakes in front of her. She is a dedicated perfectionist and will have a mental breakdown when pushed too far.

Cartoons[edit | edit source]

Johnny Test[edit | edit source]

Season 4[edit | edit source]

Episode 21a[edit | edit source]

"Johnny Cakes"

Episode 24b[edit | edit source]

"A Scholarship for Johnny"