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Katara is a waterbending master, born in the Southern Water Tribe to Chief Hakoda and his deceased wife, Kya. During her childhood, she was the only waterbender living in the Southern Water Tribe. After losing her mother in a Fire Nation raid and her father left to battle against the Fire Nation in the Hundred Year War, she was raised by her paternal grandmother, Kanna, alongside her older brother, Sokka. As a teenager, Katara and her brother discovered the young Air Nomad Avatar, Aang, who had been frozen in an iceberg with his bison, Appa, for a century. In need of a waterbending master, the siblings and Aang left the South Pole on a journey toward the Northern Water Tribe.

Cartoons[edit | edit source]

Avatar: The Last Airbender[edit | edit source]

Season 2[edit | edit source]

Episode 12[edit | edit source]

"The Serpent's Pass"

Episode 15[edit | edit source]

"The Tales of Ba Sing Se"

Fan Art[edit | edit source]