Daisy Duck

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Daisy Duck is the female protagonist of the Donald Duck franchise and a main character of the Mickey Mouse franchise of the Disney universe. As a stylish prima-donna, she is the girlfriend of Donald Duck, the best friend of Minnie Mouse and the aunt of April, May, and June who first appeared in the short Mr. Duck Steps Out. Like Donald, Daisy is an anthropomorphic white duck with no pants, but has large eyelashes and ruffled tail feathers to suggest a skirt. She is often seen wearing a hair bow, blouse, and shoes. Daisy usually shows a strong affinity towards Donald, although she is often characterized as being more sophisticated than him.

Daisy does not like it when Donald loses his temper and flies into a rage and she has told him so on more than one occasion. Ironically, however, on the rare occasions when Daisy loses her cool, her temper proves to be even worse than Donald's (as seen in the Walt Disney animated short Cured Duck).

She first appears in the classic shorts as a supporting character until 1961 before she reappeared in 1983, where she appears in Mickey's Christmas Carol. Since then, she has become one of the main characters since 1987, where she served as the deuteragonist in Down and Out with Donald Duck. She then makes her first lead role as the tritagonist in Quack Pack. She became one of the main characters officially since Mickey Mouse Works and Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas. She plays her role in House of Mouse, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy: The Three Musketeers, and Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas. She soon played her role seriously in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, its spin-offs, the Mickey Mouse Shorts from 2013-2019, Mickey and the Roaster Racers/Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures, its spin-offs, the Ducktales reboot, The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse and Mickey Mouse Funhouse.

She was voiced by the late Clarence Nash, the original voice of Donald and his nephews, Gloria Blondell, Ruth Clifford, Vivi Janiss, and June Foray in the old shorts. In her further appearances, she was voiced by the late Janet Waldo and Patricia Parris in Mickey's Christmas Carol, Kath Soucie in Down and Out with Donald Duck and Quack Pack, Diane Michelle a few appearances in Mickey Mouse Works and House of Mouse as an alternative voice and the late Russi Taylor in Fantasia 2000, the original voice of Minnie. Currently, she is now voiced by Tress MacNeille. In the second season of Mickey Mouse Funhouse, she is voiced by Debra Wilson.

Cartoon[edit | edit source]

Shorts[edit | edit source]

"Whitewater Don" is known as the famous short to have Daisy's foot expose when she asked Donald to massage her feet.

House of Mouse[edit | edit source]

Daisy's Debut[edit | edit source]

During a rehearsal for Daisy Debut, Daisy is seen wearing sandals when she mentions "Caribbean"