Cinderella (Disney)

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Cinderella is the titular main protagonist of Disney's 12th full-length animated feature film of the same name and its two sequels. She is the second Disney Princess in the official lineup. She was voiced by the late Ilene Woods in the original film. In the direct-to-video sequels, she was voiced by Jennifer Hale, who also voiced Samus Aran in the Metroid franchise, Sam and Mandy in Totally Spies!, the female variant of Commander Shepard in Mass Effect, Riyo Chuchi, Aayla Secura in Star Wars, and Hugo and Tanya in Go Away, Unicorn!.

Movies[edit | edit source]

Cinderella (1950)[edit | edit source]

Cinderella III: A Twist in Time[edit | edit source]

Books[edit | edit source]

Bedtime for Gus[edit | edit source]

Cinderella is barefoot in her pajamas.

Video games[edit | edit source]

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep[edit | edit source]