Venus (Siren)

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The daughters of the river god Achelous and the divine muse of dance Terpsichore, the immortal sirens lived on the Sirenum scopuli islands. They eventually fell into the service of the ocean elemental Phorcys, who used their mesmerizing "siren song" to lure mortal sailors to their watery deaths. For centuries, sailors told tales of ships being lured to destruction by the voice of a siren, or naiad, a soulless ocean being that fed on men as they drowned. One ship, however, had a magician on board (Ancient One), and he stopped the Siren by transforming her into a complete being, "making her soul as beautiful as her physical form." Horrified by the destruction wrought by her actions, she forbade herself from speaking. She eventually found solace at a monastery, where she served the nunnery for over two years. Everyone believed that she was a mute servant girl, until she joined a chorus, and her voice filled the clergy with lust.

Comics[edit | edit source]

Secret Wars: Agents of Atlas[edit | edit source]

Issue 1[edit | edit source]