Ukyo Kuonji

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Ukyo Kuonji title.png

Ukyo Kuonji is one of the many female characters from Ranma 1/2.

Character Info[edit | edit source]

Ukyo is an okonomiyaki chef, despite being in high school, as she is also a talented martial artist, with her art based on cooking okonomiyaki, with her main weapon being a large spatula that she carries around on her back. In the show, Ukyo is one of Ranma's Suitors, as this was due to the fact that when Ranma was six, he and his dad stopped at a small village for training and Ukyo's father made a deal where Ranma and Ukyo would be engaged but Genma refuse as he revealed that Ranma is already engaged by one soun's daughters, until her offered an okonomiyaki at a adding bonus, which Genma took. However, when Ranma and his dad left, they took the cart but forgot Ukyo as Ranma mistook her chasing them for saying goodbye, thus making her the first suitor of Ranma.

For a while up to this point, Ranma mistook Ukyo for a boy (due to the way she dressed when they were six) and when he accidentally grabbed her chest, he poured warm water on her, thinking she was cursed to be a girl too, just like him, only to be told she was born a girl.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Ukyo is one of the few female characters to be rarely seen barefoot as she also wears form-fitting black pants.