Samantha Eve "Sam" Wilkins

Page last edited 212 days ago
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Samantha Eve Wilkins was born to Erias Brandyworth and Polly. During her birth, her powers would emit out of control, often emitting pink energy through her mother’s eyes. Her mother did not survive the birth process, but Samantha did. In order to use her as a weapon, Steven Erickson went to the hospital of her birth to retrieve her. Brandyworth faked Samantha’s death by using the miscarried fetus of Betsy Wilkins and Adam Wilkins, not allowing Erickson to fulfill his mission. Betsy and Adam Wilkins would become her new adoptive parents.

Comics[edit | edit source]

Invincible[edit | edit source]

Issue 56[edit | edit source]

Issue 60[edit | edit source]

Issue 63[edit | edit source]

Issue 64[edit | edit source]

Issue 96[edit | edit source]

Issue 97[edit | edit source]

Issue 113[edit | edit source]

Issue 119[edit | edit source]

Issue 132[edit | edit source]

Issue 144[edit | edit source]

Cartoons[edit | edit source]

Invincible[edit | edit source]

Season 2[edit | edit source]

Episode 4[edit | edit source]

"It's Been A While"

Merchandise[edit | edit source]