Oceanus Shenron

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Oceanus Shenron Title.png

Oceanus Shenron is one of the main antagonists from Dragonball GT and one of the Shadow Dragons.

History[edit | edit source]

Oceanus is one of the Shadow Dragons; She is the only female member of the group as she is also the only one of the dragons to have two powers rather than one, this being able to control water and air. While her appearance is that of a young beautiful woman, her true form resembled that of a dragon/gargoyle like creature.

Like her brothers, Oceanus was created by a wish that contain negative energy from the Dragon balls, this wish (which is embarrassing) was the first wish from Dragonball, which was from Oolong wishing for a pair of Woman's underwear when he stoped Pilaf from wishing to be ruler of the earth.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

In her only appearance in episode 51, Oceanus is shown to be barefoot.