Nanami (Digimon)

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Nanami (ナナミ) is one of the Bio-Hybrids, a trio of modified individuals working for Kurata. After the DATS building was destroyed, she and Ivan chased after Commander Richard Sampson. Later, they fought Miki Kurosaki and Megumi Shirakawa and the two PawnChessmon before facing Marcus Damon and the others along with both of her comrades. She and her fellow Bio-Hybrids subsequently pursued the ex-Data Squad through the Digital World before being defeated by their newfound mega forms, ShineGreymon, MirageGaogamon and Rosemon. Subsequently, they pleaded for more power to Kurata and were given a higher form, based on a Mega-Level Digimon. She dresses unusually compared to the other characters in the series, carrying an umbrella, and wearing clothing in the style of a Gothic Lolita. Like Thomas H. Norstein, Nanami is also something of a genius herself, and used her intelligence to counter the battle strategies of Thomas after gaining the ability to become BioRotosmon. She showed an attraction to him but was angered by his refusal to join her side. However, Nanami was defeated when Thomas used an attack that was reminiscent of Marcus' reckless fighting style. In the last episode, Nanami was also rising her D.N.A. in the sky.

Anime[edit | edit source]

Digimon Savers[edit | edit source]

Episode 30[edit | edit source]