Jackie Chan Adventures
Jackie Chan Adventures is an animated television series that first aired on Kids WB from September 9, 2000 – July 8, 2005 with 5 seasons and 95 episodes.
Plot[edit | edit source]
The premise of the series revolves around the fictionalized version of Jackie Chan, who in this series would travel the world gathering mystical items while combatting threats that are mainly magical and supernatural... in fact each season had their own magical item and threats.
Talismans[edit | edit source]
The first season had Jackie, along with his uncle and (and times) his niece/first cousin once removed, gathering 12 magical talisman that, when put into a stature of a demon sorcerer named Shendu would bring him back to his physical form, who had a criminal organization known as the Dark Hand, working under him.
Demon Portal[edit | edit source]
In the second season, Jackie and his family and friends, must stop Shendu, now a spirit, and the members of the Dark Hand in an attempt to open up seven demon portals to release his demon siblings. Of course, for Shendu, his spirit has been bound by the body of Valmont, who wanted Shendu out of his body.
Talisman Power[edit | edit source]
When evil dark chi wizards, Daolon Wong attempted to claim the Talimans for himself, Jackie destroyed them, but only the shells of the Talismans as the powers of the Talismans were instead transfer into twelve animals connected to the Chinese zodiac and must gather the animals in order to prevent Dalon Wong to obtain them. He also recruited members of the Dark Hand as his Dark Chi Warriors.
Oni Mask[edit | edit source]
In attempt to escape jail, Daolong Wong mistakenly summon Tarakudo, known as the king of the Shadowkhans, who recruited and the members of the Dark Hand to help him gather the nine ono masks, where Jackie and family tried to find them. In this season, due to Magical Artifacts being Japanese, Tohru who is Japanese help translate the location of the Oni Masks.
Demon Chi[edit | edit source]
Draco, Shendu's son from the future started his plan to find the original items that were used to seal the 8 demon sorcerers and absorbed their Demon Chi. This was the first season to NOT have the Dark Hand as Draco's minions but rather a new group.
Characters[edit | edit source]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
When Pigs Fly[edit | edit source]
In the season 3 episode, we see a unnamed country girl in sandals when she told a boy that she'll marry him when Pigs fly, and when she saw one flying (which was a pig and a rooster) she agreed to marry him.