Francine Dawson
Francine Dawson (later Ling, then changed to Smith) is one of the main characters and the main female character from American Dad!.
Character Info[edit | edit source]
Francine Smith was born to a wealthy family; the Dawsons, however, she was abandon at an airport due to her parents wanted to sit in first class on a plane. She was raised in an orphanage until she was 7 and adopted by a Chinese couple; Ma Ma and Bah Bah Ling. In her young adult years, she encountered Stan Smith when she was hitchhiking and Stan pulled over and gave her a lift. During the trip, Stan accidentally hit a raccoon (Procyon lotor) and to put it out of its misery, Stan shot the animal, causing Francine to become attracted to Stan for the compassion he had shown. The two then got married and had 2 children, a pet fish (which had the brain of a German skier, to prevent German to win a gold medal) and an alien.
While cast as a stereotypical trophy housewife, Francine is known for drinking and getting hangovers, doing drugs (without her husband knowing for a while) and sometimes get into messes that she sometimes creates, but despite this, she does care for her family.
Cartoon[edit | edit source]
Season 2[edit | edit source]
Episode 6[edit | edit source]
"Iced, Iced Babies"