Elizabeth Allen

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Elizabeth Allen was the wife of scientist Henry Allen, who discovered the portal to Wonderland. She lead the ordinary life of a middle class housewife in 19th century England until three children-- including her son William and his friends Julia and Bethany-- went missing. Her husband, as the only suspect, was murdered by the angry parents of the missing girls. The whole ordeal drove Elizabeth into an insane asylum. Once there, a mysterious stranger (actually Charles Dodgson) brought the mirror to Wonderland into her cell. Seeing her son on the other side, she ventured through into Wonderland. There she found her son, now transformed into the King of Hearts. Desperate, she attempted to make him remember his life before Wonderland. For that crime she is transformed into the Red Queen and imprisoned by the Queen of Hearts for many years.

Comics[edit | edit source]

Tales from Wonderland[edit | edit source]

Red Queen[edit | edit source]

The Mad Hatter II[edit | edit source]