Cinderella (Folk Tale)

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Cinderella is a folk tale that was created by the Brothers Grimm as a German collection of fairy tales back in the 1800's, which later was adapted into numerous versions in films and TV shows in modern times.

Story[edit | edit source]

The plot of Cinderella goes that it tells the story of a young girl name Ella, who's father remarried to another woman with two stepdaughters, where after his death, Ella became the full-time house maid, even gaining the name Cinderella due to being cover in cider and taking care of her stepmother and sisters. When the family was invited to a grand ball to find a bride for the prince, Ella wanted to go but her stepmother refuses to let her go and made her stay home to finish her chores. Ella then encounters a magical being known as The Fairy God Mother, who gave her a dress and a pair of glass slippers and informs her that she needs to return by midnight before the spell is over.

Upon arriving at the ball, Ella caught the attention of the prince and the two fell in love, but when Midnight happened, she ran away, but not before losing her glass slipper and disappeared. This resulted in the prince to find the woman who will fit the slipper. When the stepmother learns of the event, she locked Ella in her room as she had the prince try the slipper on her daughter's feet but no such luck. Ella then arrived and tried the slipper, revealing to be the woman he has been looking for and the two got married.

The most memorable part of the story is that it has shown numerous women exposing their barefoot to try the slipper.

List of Cinderella(s)[edit | edit source]