Celeste Morne

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Celeste Morne was a Human female Jedi Master who served the Jedi Covenant as a Covenant Shadow, an agency that consisted of Jedi whose identities were erased from the Order's records. She dedicated herself to the Covenant's cause after the loss of her home and family ties in the Great Sith War. In 3963 BBY the Covenant assigned Morne a mission to retrieve the Muur Talisman, an artifact owned generations prior by the Sith Lord Karness Muur that gave the wearer control over the mutant rakghoul creatures. Furthermore, Morne was tasked to bring fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick to justice. Over the course of her mission, however, she came to doubt Carrick's culpability in the Padawan Massacre of Taris, for which he had been implicated by the members of the First WatchCircle of the Covenant.

Comics[edit | edit source]

Star Wars: Rebellion[edit | edit source]

Issue 16[edit | edit source]