Animaniacs is an American animated comedy musical television series that first aired on September 13, 1993 - November 14, 1998 with five seasons and 99 episodes and a direct-to-video movie. However, the series was brought back a revival that consist of 3 extra seasons and 13 episodes.
Plot[edit | edit source]
1993[edit | edit source]
The premise of the original series is that of a "variety sketch comedy" series, where each episode would consist of two or three cartoon shorts involving certain characters. The main characters include The Warner Siblings as their backstory revealed that they were created back in 1930 but due to their wacky and zany personalities, they were locked up in the Warner Bros. Water Tower on the Warner Bros. studio lot in Burbank, California until they FINALLY escape in the 90's.
2020[edit | edit source]
The premise of the revival involved the adventures of the Warner siblings, continuing their wacky and zany adventures in the 2020's after being absent from television for 22 years. One known change of the series is that beside The Warners returning, The series also include shorts the return of fan-favorite characters Pinky and the Brain, who continued their plot to take over the world.