Android 18

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Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT
Resurrection 'F'/Super
DBS Super Hero

Android 18, born Lazuli, is a major character in the Dragon Ball franchise. Lazuli and her twin brother, Lapis, were originally regular humans until they were abducted and genetically modified by the evil scientist, Dr. Gero. Reborn as Android 18 and 17 respectively, Lazuli and Lapis became powerful cybernetic warriors created with the intention of killing Gero's enemy, Son Goku. However, the twins betrayed and murdered Gero as soon as they had the chance to. Although she originally planned to kill Goku, 18's priorities changed after the Bio-Android Cell absorbed her and her brother to achieve his perfect form. Upon being freed from Cell's body by Goku's son, Son Gohan, Android 18 became an ally to the Z-Fighters. She even eventually fell in love with and married the Z-Fighter Krillin, having a daughter with him named Marron. Android 18 is voiced by Miki Itō in all Japanese media and by Meredith McCoy in most English media. Colleen Clinkenbeard previously voiced the character in English for some of her appearances.

Manga[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ball[edit | edit source]

Issue 426[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ball Super[edit | edit source]

Issue 31[edit | edit source]

Anime[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ball Z[edit | edit source]

Episode 132[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ball Super[edit | edit source]

Episode 117[edit | edit source]

Specials[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!![edit | edit source]

Videogames[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ball Legends[edit | edit source]