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6teen was a Canadian animated teen comedy drama that aired on first in Canada on Teletoons, with 4 seasons and 93 episodes (although a few were unaired on TV) from November 7th, 2004 - February 11th, 2010.

Premise[edit | edit source]

The plot of the series centers around six 16-year-olds (hench the title 6teen) hanging out at the Galleria Mall (said to be as big as a town), where we see the six teens delve into the themes of friendship, personal growth, self-discovery and the challenges of being a teenager.

An interesting note is that the series aired in the US on Nickelodeon but was pulled off after 5 months and wouldn't appear again until aired on Cartoon Network 2 years later. Another interesting note of the series that despite having 93 episodes, only 69 aired on tv in the states due to censorship reasons (such as legalization of same-sex relationship/marriage in Canada and a plot line that focused on shoplifting and nude images that were modified from the series' original blur-out to a full black bar)

Characters[edit | edit source]