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Nisa Mission Odyssey.png

Nisa is Odysseus' comrade and best friend and one of the main characters of the animated series, Mission Odyssey.

She is a 13-year-old girl and only female of Odysseus’s crew with the power of clairvoyance, which allows her to see into the future.

She is slender and barefooted with tan skin, light violet eyes, freckles on her face and long scarlet-red hair with a plum-purple headband.


Mission Odyssey[edit | edit source]

Episode 1[edit | edit source]

“The Eye of the Cyclops”

Episode 2[edit | edit source]

“Charybde and Scylla”

Episode 3[edit | edit source]

“A Trip to the Underworld”

Episode 4[edit | edit source]

“The Song of the Sirens”

Episode 5[edit | edit source]


Episode 6[edit | edit source]


Episode 7[edit | edit source]

“The Curse of the Strygons”

Episode 8[edit | edit source]

“Looking for Pegasus”

Episode 9[edit | edit source]

“The Gorgon Sisters”

Episode 10[edit | edit source]

“Wind Palace”

Episode 11[edit | edit source]

“The Forge of Hephaestus”

Episode 12[edit | edit source]

“Duel of the Centaur”

Episode 13[edit | edit source]

“I Married a Harpy”

Episode 14[edit | edit source]

“The Flame of Eternity”

Episode 15[edit | edit source]

“Lotus Eaters”

Episode 16[edit | edit source]

“Queen of the Amazons”

Episode 17[edit | edit source]

“King of the Titans”

Episode 20[edit | edit source]

“The Wishing Well”